Litework includes a useful Content Management System so you can not only fill your jobs but build and promote your website all from one package. When a Litework website is designed and built, the content that appears on each page comes from a variety of different components. For example the basic page structure and style information is stored in a collection of Templates. This is so that any changes to the look and feel of the website can be made quickly and consistently. Individual page content can be created and modified via a WYSIWYG Page Editor. In addition, there are a number of built-in and user-definable Litework Widgets that may be added to any template or page as required. These Widgets can be used to place forms (e.g. search/registration), dynamic features (e.g. featured jobs/news articles) or to control the display of a particular screen. The Widgets can be edited but they are usually setup during the website design.
The example below shows how a website will look once the components have been set up.

The Litework Page Editor is accessed via the Configuration -> Manage Website Content (Pages) section of your Litework Control Panel. The Page Editor allows you to control the content of each page as well as various attributes relating to Search Engines, Menus and Layout. For each page you can set the Meta-Tags and Page Title, which are generally considered essential for good search engine rankings. You can also choose which Template the Page will use, and you can assign a Parent Page which will control the hierarchy of your website, determing where the Page will show on your menus.
The Visual Page Editor (WYSIWYG) allows you to add/update and format your page and provides a number of useful toolbar functions such as copy/paste/undo, specify font/colour/size/etc.. and also buttons to add anchors (i.e. a bookmark within a page), links, images, movie clips, flash, etc… The Editor can also be switched to Source View for advanced users who wish to edit the HTML directly.