In the Litework CMS, Page/Template Editors it is possible to insert special functionality using specific LW Codes. This is a summary of what each code does. The codes can be added to Pages and/or Templates by inserting the relevant code where you wish it to appear.
Will show a standard login form.
Will show a standard registration form, except:
1. If the currently displayed page is register.php, it will show a login form instead.
2. If a candiate is logged in, then links to Candidate Options will be shown instead.
Displays a Default Job Search form with the following options: Keywords/Job Type, Sector, Location, Workhours, Worktype, Salary & Date Posted
Displays a Default Candidate Registration form.
These codes can be used as alternative to the Default Job Search form by specifying fields individually. Create your own form that posts to vacancysearch.php and add any of these tags to display those fields.
These codes can be used as alternative to the Default Candidate Registration form by specifying fields individually. Create your own form that posts to register.php and add any of these tags to display those fields.
These codes can be used as alternative to the Default Login form by specifying fields individually. Create your own form that posts to login.php and add any of these tags to display those fields.
Will fetch and display any RSS Feed. This tag must be inserted before and after the url of the Feed.
For example:
will display the latest Seagrass News
Displays a list of the Clients specified as “Featured”, including logos if present. The actual No. shown is definable in the Configuration section.
Displays a list of Vacancies (up to 7) matching the specified “Sector”. This tag must be inserted before and after the shortname (slug) for the sector you are displaying.
For example
will display all Aerospace vacancies.
Displays a list of the Job Types (up to 15) that have the most Active vacancies in them.
Displays a list of the Sectors (up to 15) that have the most Active vacancies in them.
Displays a Tag Cloud of the Sectors (up to 15) that have the most Active vacancies in them.
Displays a list of the Regions (up to 5) that have the most Active vacancies in them.
Displays the popular “Share This” social media bar wherever this tag appears.
Adds an automatic Sitemap page to your website. i.e. A visual hierarchical list of all pages in the CMS.
Displays a scrolling News Headline ticker. News Items and Display Options are setup in Configuration -> Manage Rolling News.
Displays the Candidates “Job Basket”, whilst they are applying for jobs on the Website.
Display the current number of Active Jobs and Clients in the system.
Display’s the previous year’s total number of Jobs filled (and the number of Clients involved).
Displays a Breadcrumb Trail, i.e. a Line of links from the Homepage down to the Current Page showing the visitor whereabouts in the website structure they currently are.
Displays a list of the Active Vacancies specified as “Featured”.
Displays Featured Jobs but without any formatting. Instead a widget called LW_FEATURED_JOBS_ITEM is used to specify the layout of each Job.
The LW_FEATURED_JOBS_ITEM widget should contain the html for a single list item, so should start with <li>and end with</li>.
Within this any html can be used in combination with the following field codes to display a Job’s details:
The normal way to implement the featured jobs is to create a widget with the code LW_FEATURED_JOBS which contains somewhere the code: <ul>/***LW_FEATURED_JOBS_LOOP***/</ul>
Displays the single Vacancy specified as the Featured Star Job. A widget with this name can be created if you wish to add any html above/around the Featured Job.
A widget called LW_FEATURED_STAR_JOB_SECTION is used to specify the layout of this job.
The LW_FEATURED_STAR_JOB_SECTION widget can contain any of the following field codes:
Displays the name of your Website, “Site Name” in the Advanced Configuation.
Displays the current Page “Title” field.
This tag can be used to reference any user-uploaded files. However most uploaded files such as Images, can simply be referenced using the “images” path.
For example <pre><img src=”images/my_picture.jpg” /></pre> will work fine.
Displays the current Page “Url”.
Displays a hidden form field representing the Job a Candidate is currently Viewing/Applying for. Include this on your custom Login/Register Forms to ensure the Vacancy is remembered after logging in.
Usually only used on the “Logged In” Candidate Dashboard/Homepage. Displays various prompts to the Candidate as follows:
1. If Job Seeking Status is not ‘HOT’ display a button asking if they are still looking.
2a. If they a mid-way through a job application it shows a link to carry on the process.
2b. If a custom field section has been created with Candidate access enabled, a link to enter/update the information is shown.
2c. If the candidate has not uploaded their CV/Resume, they are asked to do it.
Usually only used on the “Logged In” Candidate Dashboard/Homepage. Display the various lists of information for candidates.
Usually only used on the “Logged In” Client Dashboard/Homepage. Display the various lists of information for clients.
If a Candidate is logged in this will display their First Name
If a Client is logged in this will display their Name