The Menu Editor is accessed from the Configuration -> Content Management Section ->Manage Menus. This will present a list of any Menus already configured with a link to add a new one.
When adding a new Menu, the first field is the Menu Code, which must start with LW_ . The Code will default to LW_NAVIGATION_ so all that is usually necessary is to add your own descriptor on the end of it, such as MAIN/SUB/TOP/BOTTOM or 1/2/3/4/etc…
The next fields “First Level” and “Level Count” tell the menu where to start in the Page hierarchy and how many levels to go down to. The Level of a Page is simply how low down it is from the top. So if a Page does not have a parent it is 1. If it’s parent is a level 1, then the Page is a level 2, and so on. So for example for a main navigation you would normally use 1 for First Level and 1 for Level Count.
When the menu is generated on the website, it will start by displaying the contents of the “Header” field. The header would normally consist of a combination of opening “div”, “ul” or “ol” tags. Correspondingly, the “Footer” field should contain matching closing tags. Between the Header and Footer the webpage will display a link to each page, surround by the contents of the “Item Start” and “Item End” fields, which will usually contain open and close “li” tags. There is also a “Styles” field where you can put css styles that control the appearance of the menu.
All the menu fields contain default values which will be suitable in the majority of cases, therefore it may just be necessary to check the value and then hit “Save”.
Once the new Menu has been saved it can be added to the template by inserting the code as a LW Tag wherever you want it to appear. E.g. /***LW_NAVIGATION_MAIN***/