This field represents how keen the candidate is to take a new job (e.g.. actively, passively or not at all, and relates more to permanent than temp/contract recruitment.
The list of options can be configured in the Configuration section “Manage Field Options/Drop-Downs” as shown below.
The description is seen by candidates and so must be worded such that it makes sense to them. The codes are not seen by the candidates and need to contain 1 of 4 possible values: , HOT, WARM, COLD. You should not use any of the HOT, WARM or COLD codes more than once, so if you have added more than 3 status options, all others should be left blank.
These codes are then used in 2 places in LW:
1) When a new candidate registers, they will automatically be given whichever status has been assigned the HOT code
2) For setting the Candidate Inactivity Emails, click the link for more details about how to setup these alerts.