The Widget Editor is accessed from the Configuration -> Content Management Section ->Manage Widgets. This will present a list of any Widgets already configured with a link to add a new one.
Widgets only require 2 fields, the “Code”, which must start with LW_ and the “Body”.
The Code will default to LW_NEWWIDGET but it is recommended (from a maintenance point of view) to change NEWWIDGET to something that describes what the widget does, e.g. LW_LOGIN, LW_HEADER, LW_JOBLIST.
The Body field can contain any combination of html and also LW System Codes. When a webpage is displayed that contains this Widget, any LW System Codes will be replaced by the relevant functionality in the Widget Body, which will then be displayed on the page.
Once the new Widget has been saved it can be added to any Page or Template by inserting the code as a LW Tag wherever you want it to appear. E.g. /***LW_NEWWIDGET***/